Morrissey - Sunny - Drew J Robinson - Looking in the rear view mirror...!

Morrissey - Sunny - Drew J Robinson - Looking in the rear view mirror...!

So this is a 'snippet' of a previous me..! At times I buy into a 'cod' theory that there have been many me(s), or should that be I's? 

The reality is all the versions of me, or the I's, are potentially just an I, or just me!

Q: why look in the rear view mirror like this?
A: i'm in/at the beginning of a bit of a new chapter (a new me? a new I? I don't know) and I want to write about it but I'm unsure if I should write here, on a seperate blog, not write, be public, not be, and on my mind goes a whirling.

So I thought, dig something out, share something people may not know about (and for those of you that do please excuse the repetition ;-) you, it might be a start, it might jolt something free, it might allow you to write and not comment (this thought has just come to me and I think it's probably 'right on the money').

So here's the 'snippet' of me, seen through the rear view mirror...